Case Study - FMCG Site Energy Survery
A site has an energy budget of £2.3m comprising:-
- £1.3m for 13GWhrs electricity purchased at low voltage (415V) from the DNO through 4 transformers.
- £660k for 19GWhrs for mains gas.
- £200k for 200,000m3 water
- £100k for effluent
The energy survey identified the following improvement:-
- Install HV low loss transformers, buy power at HV.
Optimise to 400Volts output. - Install a CHP to generate electricity from gas and feed the waste heat into the process.
- Change lighting site wide from Fluorescents to LED.
- Change direct on line ventilation fans on AHU's to electronically commutated fans.
The capital costs of these elements were calculated to be £1.58m
with a payback of £660k - so a payback of 2.4 years.
The carbon reduction was 20% on mains gas or 60% on green certificated gas.