Welcome To Zero Carbon Engineering
Zero Carbon Engineering provide consultancy in the areas of Sustainable Engineering and Continuous Improvement (Six Sigma), experienced in working internationally in FMCG and Retail, across the areas of process, packaging, energy and building services (power distribution, HVAC, refrigeration, lighting, water).

Zero or Low Carbon Refrigeration Plant

Biomass Boiler

LED & Natural Lighting

CHP fired on Green Certificated Gas
Example of Lean Six Sigma / Continuous Improvement
Required Oxygen in Package: 0.8ppm mean with upper control limit 1.5ppm.
Oxygen in Product Before:
mean of 1.2 ppm, skewed right, & a 95% confidence level
between 1.07ppm and 1.32ppm. Results as high as 6 ppm - above UCL.
Oxygen in Product After:
mean of 0.70ppm with little skew and with
a 95% confidence interval of 0.65ppm to 0.76ppm. The maximum result was 1.45ppm